
Dedicated Student Support Officer

One dedicated Customer Service Officer will provide support from the commencement of the course till the completion of the course.

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To reach our Student Support Officer


  6297 8417

  9381 3608

Pre Course Counseling

Eversafe Academy ensures that pre-course counselling is provided to all prospective students so that they can make an informed decision before they sign the student contract.

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To reach our Student Support Officer


  6297 8417

Course Orientation

Course Orientation aims to introduce students for both academic and social aspects of Eversafe Academy.

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Course Orientation will be conducted to the students who have completed all his/ her admission process and this will be conducted on a day before the class starts. Guidance & Counseling – Head, Ms. Maria Fastina Aristide will connect on zoom with every student and will present all the important details regarding academic and social aspects of Eversafe Academy.

Student handbook

The Student Handbook is designed to help students become familiar with the various academic support services and many other services to help you reach your educational and personal goals.

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Access the Student Handbook here: Student Handbook

Pastoral Counseling

Basic pastoral counselling, if needed, it is provided by Guidance and Counseling (Head) who is professionally experienced to counsel.

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Reach Ms. Maria Fastina  (Guidance & Counseling – Head)


  6297 8417 ext 770

  8138 5137

E- Library

E-library is setup in a way

  • 24/7 access
  • Reference Materials respective to modules are available

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Steps to access e – library

  1. Login to the student portal with your eversafe app’s credentials
  2. In home screen, click on E- Library menu to access reference materials for respective modules.

Student Portal

One place to access all the students details

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Click the link below to access the student portal: https://li.eversafe.com.sg/MemberShiplog.aspx

Note : Login with Eversafe Apps Login credentitials.

Eversafe App

Students can explore much more than academics using our App.

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For iOS Users:

For Android Users:

Tuition support services

Eversafe provides supplementary tuition services for the slow learners which will help them to learn better.

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For more enquiry contact our team


  6297 8417

  9381 3608