
Spoken English – Basic Level (SPOKEN ENGLISH)

Course Objective

To enable the Migrant workers to understand and communicate better using the tools available from speech, email, phone communication and presentations.

Who Should Attend?

All Migrant Workers in Singapore

Course Overview

Our English Course is designed to assist trainees to learn everyday English, through visual and written instructions.

The series of learning exercises will help you to develop Basic English skills, so you can engage in meaningful conversations with others.

Communication helps the trainees/employees to speak English at the workplace, so they can understand basic work instructions, and identify warning labels.

Course Content 

  1. Introduction 7 Greetings
  2. Alphabets and Numbers
  3. Singular & Plural
  4. Nouns
  5. Tenses
  6. Listening, Reading, Writing & Speaking skills
  7. Conversations

Course Duration : 15 hours (5 days-3 hours per day)

Course Fee Inclusive of GST: S$ 218

Funding & Claims:

  • UTAP available


Certificate will be awarded to participants who successfully complete the course and pass the assessment


2 Kampong Kapor Rd, Little India, Singapore 208674



Course Fee (Incl GST):


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