What are the eligibility criteria?
Please note that companies must fulfil the following criteria before applying for training grant:
- Company must be registered or incorporated in Singapore
- Trainees must be employed and fully sponsored by the company for all costs associated with the training
- Trainees must be Singapore Citizen(s) or Permanent Resident(s) of Singapore, and must be employed by the company in accordance to the Employment Act except for sole proprietors, partners, working directors, members of co-operatives or commission-based agents.
What do I need for the application?
Before applying, please ensure that you have the following:
- Training organisation name
- Course title
- Course start and end dates
- Course duration components
- Course fee components
- Trainee details (name, NRIC, citizenship, date of birth, education qualification, monthly basic salary, hours worked per week)
How long will it take me to complete the application?
It will take you approximately 10 minutes to complete the application in SkillsConnect. The peak periods for accessing SkillsConnect are 9am – 11am and 3pm – 5pm on weekdays. For faster system response, we encourage you to login during the non-peak hours.
What is the submission deadline?
You can submit your training grant application from 30 days before the course start date and up to 30 days after the course start date.
How long will WDA take to process my application?
Please click here for WDA’s processing time.
I’m ready to apply for training grant. How do I proceed?
Please click ‘Proceed’ below to begin your application in SkillsConnect. You may click here for a pdf guide on completing the steps in the application.
COURSE NAME | Funding Amount | SDF Availablity | SDU Points |
FSCS | $350.00 | Under Processing | 36 |
SSSC | $250.00 | Under Processing | 32 |
MWAH | $350.00 | Under Processing | 21 |
MSAC | $400.00 | Under Processing | 30 |
CSCPM | $350.00 | Under Processing | 34 |
SICSM | $375.00 | Under Processing | 32 |
OFAC | $280.00 | Under Processing | 23 |
WAH-TTT | Under Processing | 32 | |
MMSCSup | $390.00 | Under Processing | 40 |
SWSHPP | $330.00 | Under Processing | 32 |
SWCSO | $230.00 | Under Processing | 21 |
ACSSEW | $550.00 | Under Processing | 40 |
SCW | $250.00 | Under Processing | 32 |
RFIW | $200.00 | Under Processing | 8 |
RFEB | $400.00 | Under Processing | 16 |
IIMP | $330.00 | Under Processing | 8 |
RFHE | $600.00 | Under Processing | 22 |
STW | $240.00 | Under Processing | 24 |
SMW | $240.00 | Under Processing | 32 |