
Student Misconduct

Students are expected to put in reasonable time, attention and effort to engage in learning, and not to misbehave badly or to engage in wrongful behaviors which go contrary to the objectives for which they have been admitted into Eversafe Academy.  Bad or wrongful behaviors may be subject to disciplinary proceedings.

Examples of bad or wrongful behavior include but are not limited to the following:

  • Possession / consumption of prohibited products or drugs.
  • Vandalism
  • Plagiarism
  • Copying or cheating in tests or assessments
  • Physical or verbal abuse
  • Abuse or misuse of furniture or equipment
  • Stealing
  • Fighting, hooliganism and extortion
  • Absent without valid reason for more than 7 consecutive days
  • Wilful defiance of Eversafe Academy’s rules and regulations
  • Serious infringements of the laws of Singapore

If a student is alleged to have misbehaved badly or engaged in wrongful behaviour, the Administrative Manager conducts an investigation using Records of Disciplinary or intervention cases (FRM-057)

Based on the facts that are uncovered, the Managing Director in consultation with the Management Team decides on the appropriate disciplinary measure that is educative and proportionate to the bad or wrongful behavior.

While not limited to the list below, the disciplinary measure(s) may be one or more of the following

  • Counselling
  • Issuance of warning letters
  • Confiscation of items
  • Reduction of marks for a test or assessment
  • Suspension
  • Expulsion
  • A fine
  • Cancellation of student pass and repatriation to home country.

There is no refund to the student for the course fees that are consumed during the period of suspension, or for the unutilized course fees in the case of expulsion.

The offender may also have to pay for damages or legal charges.