
OpenCerts Digital Certificates and Transcripts

All learners who have completed their Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) modular courses and Full Qualification (FQ) programmes and have been assessed as competent are issued with an E-Certificate for their Statements of Attainment (SOAs).

OpenCerts is a blockchain-based platform that enables the issuance and verification of tamper-proof certificates and transcripts. SSG will cease the E-Certificate system by 30 June 2024 and will adopt only OpenCerts for digital certificate issuance. Learners who have completed certifiable programmes funded by SSG will only be issued OpenCerts certificates upon being assessed as competent. They will be able to download and/or print their OpenCerts certificates on the MySkillsFuture portal or via OpenCerts.io.

Please click here for the OpenCerts platform.

Learners who have been issued certificates prior to the cessation of E-Certificates on 30 June 2024 will still be able to access their E-Certificates on the MySkillsFuture portal for the time being. By Q2 2025, all E-Certificate records will be converted to OpenCerts.

Note: If you are verifying your OpenCerts document outside of Singapore, please connect to a VPN if you encounter any error after dropping your OpenCerts document in the verification section of the OpenCerts platform. This error may be caused by a firewall issue that prevents the proper display of your digital document.


Background/ General Questions

When will SSG cease the issuance of the E-Certificate?

SSG will cease the issuance of E-Certificates by 30 June 2024. From 1 July 2024, learners will only be issued with an OpenCerts Certificate upon course completion and being assessed competent.

E-Certificates issued from 1 November 2014 to 30 June 2024 will remain accessible on Skills Passport. Existing e-Certificates will progressively be converted to OpenCerts in the future.

What is OpenCerts?

OpenCerts is an open platform developed by the Government Technology Agency (GovTech) to issue digital certificates and verify the authenticity of these certificates using blockchain technology.

Why is SSG ceasing the issuance of E-Certificate and moving on to OpenCerts Certificate?

As it is not cost-effective to maintain two certificate issuance systems, SSG is streamlining the service and will adopt only OpenCerts moving forward. Being an open platform, OpenCerts offers an easy and reliable way for learners to receive validated and tamper-resistant digital certificates which are stored on their Skills Passports on MySkillsFuture portal.

Are E-Certificate and OpenCerts Certificate equivalent in showing skills attainment to intended recipients such as prospective employers or recuiters?

Yes, as both E-Certificates or OpenCert Certificates are issued and verified by SkillsFuture Singapore, they can be used to show attainment of skills acquired from the WSQ courses.

If learners have existing E-Certificates in their Skills Passport, can they still access them after the issuance of E-Certificates has ceased?

Yes, existing E-Certificates issued to learners on and before 30 June 2024 will continue to be available in the learner’s Skills Passport in the MySkillsFuture Portal.

Will learners who have completed their WSQ courses prior to the introduction of OpenCerts on 1 November 2019 receive OpenCerts Certificates?

No, learners who had completed their WSQ courses prior to 1 November 2019 will only have digital WSQ SOA(s) or Full Qualification(s) E-Certificates. 

What are the benefits of using OpenCerts Certificate?

For Individuals

Individuals can conveniently store and access their digital certificates in their Skills Passports on MySkillsFuture portal and no longer need to obtain physical certified copies of their certificates.

For Employers

Employers can easily verify the authenticity of OpenCerts certificates on the platform https://opencerts.io.

For Training Providers

Training providers and certificate issuance bodies can issue digital certificates and transcripts in the OpenCerts format, without having to build their own platform to do so. Administrative load to print the physical certificates will consequentially be reduced.

Will learners be able to print or download a PDF copy of their OpenCerts Certificate?

Yes, learners will be able to access their OpenCerts Certificates and print or download PDF copies through their Skills Passport on MySkillsFuture portal. After selecting the desired OpenCerts Certificates, learners will be redirected to view, download and print their OpenCerts certificates on https://opencerts.io.

Learners would still like to download a PDF softcopy of their OpenCerts certificate. How should they do so?

Learners should go to the WSQ SOA or Qualification listed in Skills Passport, click on the OpenCerts download button below the SOA or Qualification. They will be redirected to view, download and print the OpenCerts certificates on https://opencerts.io

When the WSQ SOA or Qualification certificate opens up in a new window in “Opencerts.io”, they will have to follow the steps below to set the parameters for saving the digital certificate in PDF:

Step 1: Click on the “Print” button.

Step 2: Indicate “Save as PDF” in the destination.

Step 3: Under Pages: select “All”.

Step 4: Under Layout: select “Portrait”.

Step 5: Select “Save” to download a PDF copy of the certificate.

What should I do if I wish to assist my learners download a PDF copy of their certificate via OpenCerts?

Training providers are strongly encouraged to assist their learners in printing their digital certificate(s) if they had completed and are certified competent for their WSQ courses.

You can follow these simple steps:

(A) Download OpenCerts

Step 1: Log in to Training Partners Gateway portal (https://www.tpgateway.gov.sg/) via Corppass using your SingPass

Step 2: Access ‘Certificates’

Step 3: Click ‘Mass OpenCerts Download’

Step 4: Select ‘WSQ Assessment/Attainment Date Range’, ‘Type of OpenCerts’ and, ‘Course Title’

Step 5: Click ‘Submit’ [Note: The request Status will indicate “Processing”. After the request Status is “Completed”, a download icon will appear]

Step 6: Click on the download icon and select the OpenCerts to be downloaded

(B) Convert OpenCerts to PDF

Step 1: Access https://opencert.io/

Step 2: Drag and drop the downloaded OpenCert from (A) to load the certificate

Step 3: Click on the print icon and select ‘Save as PDF’ in the destination 

Step 4: Select ‘All’ under Pages and select ‘Portrait’ under Layout

Step 5: Click ‘Save’

What should learners do if they are unable to locate their OpenCerts Certificate in MySkillsFuture portal?

The issuance of OpenCerts Certificate is for WSQ courses taken from 1 Nov 2019 onwards. If learners had taken a certifiable course and being assessed competent from 1 Nov 2019 onwards but are unable to locate your OpenCerts Certificate, please contact SSG at Feedback (skillsfuture.gov.sg).

For more FAQ’s please click here